Painting/print details

Original paintings

Every original painting is hand painted by yours truly. All paintings are created using acrylic paint and other mediums noted in the product description.

When you purchase an original painting, you are not just purchasing a piece of art, you are purchasing a piece of emotion, soul, spirit, and mind. Please take care of and enjoy your new painting.


All prints are professionally scanned using state of the art and the most up to date art duplication equipment.

Poster Print- Images printed on thick semi gloss, lightly coated card-stock paper. These are the least expensive prints. They must be framed.

Fine Art Print- Images printed on archival paper specifically designed for art duplication, using archival ink. These prints will last a lifetime and never fade nor tarnish. These prints are printed on matte paper. They must be framed.

Canvas Print-Images printed on special canvas fabric. These prints look identical to the original painting, and have the same texture as a painting. These prints are most the expensive, but the closest duplication to a painting. Canvas prints are ready to hand and do not require a frame.